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PowerShell Custom Objects

Combine Data with PSObject & PSCustomObject

PowerShell custom objects are a powerful feature that allow you to create objects with properties and methods tailored to your specific needs. These custom objects can be used to structure and manipulate data in a more intuitive and readable way compared to using raw data structures like arrays or hashtables. Here's a brief overview of PowerShell custom objects:

Advantages of Custom Objects

  1. Clarity and Readability: Custom objects make your scripts more readable and maintainable by giving structure to your data.

  2. Ease of Use: They integrate well with PowerShell cmdlets and pipeline operations.

  3. Flexibility: You can dynamically add or remove properties and methods as needed.


Use Cases

  • Data Processing: Structuring and managing data from various sources (e.g., CSV files, APIs, databases).

  • Configuration Management: Representing configuration settings or state information in a clear and structured way.

  • Automation Scripts: Enhancing the functionality and clarity of automation scripts by encapsulating related data and methods.


Custom objects in PowerShell are an essential tool for scripting and automation, enabling the creation of complex, readable, and maintainable scripts.

Custom PowerShell Object: (Legacy)


$Obj=New-Object PSObject 
$Obj |Add-Member NoteProperty MyName ("Scott Head")
$Obj |Add-Member NoteProperty MyHome ("Redondo")
$Obj |Add-Member NoteProperty MyCar ("Mustang")
$Obj |Add-Member NoteProperty MyJob ("Chevron Oil")

Return $Obj 

New Custom PowerShell Object Format:

#Declare Array For Storing Multiple Object Data

#Create, Populate Object Data and Assign
FirstName = "SCOTT"         
LastName = "HEAD"
Job="Sr. Systems Admin"        

Combine Data with New-Object PSObject PS Ver. 1

# Use WMI get IP on My Subnet
$IPAddress = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where{$_.IPAddress -Like "192.168.254*"} | Select -ExpandProperty IPAddress

# Use WMI get Operating System
$OS = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Operatingsystem ).Version

# Get-Host PowerShell Version
$PSVersion= (Get-Host | Select -ExpandProperty Version).major

#Build Object & Assign Values
$Obj=New-Object PSObject 
$Obj |Add-Member NoteProperty 'Server Name' ($Env:Computername)
$Obj |Add-Member NoteProperty 'Operating System' ($OS)
$Obj |Add-Member NoteProperty 'PowerShell Version' ($PSVersion[0])
$Obj |Add-Member NoteProperty 'IPv4 Address' ($IPAddress)
$Obj  | Format-list 


A way to combine data from data different sources into one Object that can also be added to an Array.

Combine Data with PSCustom Object PS Ver. 3

# Use WMI get IP on My Subnet
$IPAddress = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where{$_.IPAddress -Like "192.168.254*"} | Select -ExpandProperty IPAddress
# Use WMI get Operating System
$OS = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Operatingsystem ).Version
# Get-Host PowerShell Version
$PSVersion= (Get-Host | Select -ExpandProperty Version).major
#Build Object & Assign Values
$MyObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
    'Server Name'       = ($Env:Computername)
    'Operating System'  = ($OS)
    'PowerShell Version'= ($PSVersion[0])
    'IPv4 Address'      = ($IPAddress)
$MyObject | Format-List

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