PowerShell Switch
The Switch Statement in PowerShell is a control flow statement that allows you to test a value against a list of conditions and execute corresponding blocks of code. It's similar to the switch statement in other programming languages like C# or JavaScript.
Basic example of the switch statement in PowerShell:
# When you need to have a multitude of conditions and a lot
# cleaner than lots of If statements.
switch ($MySwitchData) {
0 {$out = "Blue"}
1 {$out = "Yellow"}
2 {$out = "Red"}
3 {$out = "Green"}
4 {$out = "Organe"}
default {$out = "Unknown value"}
Write-Output $out
Write-Output "`n"

Example 2: Using Regex in Switch Statement
Use with regular expressions to match patterns in the switch statement.
$input = "Hello123"
switch -Regex ($input) {
"^[a-zA-Z]+$" {"The input contains only letters."}
"^[0-9]+$" {"The input contains only numbers."}
"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" {"The input contains letters and numbers."}
default {"The input contains special characters."}