PowerShell Helpful Links

Microsoft's PowerShell Documentation: This official resource provides comprehensive guides, cmdlet references, and scripting examples directly from Microsoft. It's the go-to place for understanding PowerShell's core concepts and capabilities.
PowerShell Gallery: Managed by Microsoft, this repository hosts thousands of PowerShell modules and scripts contributed by the community. It's ideal for discovering and downloading modules to extend PowerShell's functionality.
GitHub PowerShell Repositories: GitHub hosts numerous open-source PowerShell projects and repositories. It's a great source for finding scripts, tools, and community-contributed modules that address specific automation and management tasks.
PowerShell.org: This community-driven site offers forums, blogs, and resources for PowerShell enthusiasts. It's valuable for engaging with the PowerShell community, finding tutorials, and staying updated on the latest developments.
Stack Overflow PowerShell Tag: Stack Overflow is renowned for its vast collection of programming Q&A. The PowerShell tag is active with questions, answers, and discussions covering a wide range of topics related to scripting and troubleshooting.
These resources collectively provide a wealth of information, tools, and community support for anyone looking to learn, improve skills, or solve problems using PowerShell in various IT and automation scenarios.
Code Snippets
Measure - Quick count of items collected
Get-Service | Measure | Select Count | Format-list
Also Have Count to Count Items in Array / Object / Returned Value
Tee-Object - View output and export to text
Get-Service | Select Name, Status | Tee-Object C:\temp\Service.txt -Append
Startswith - Quick check of string and newline `n
If ($Myteststring.StartsWith("M")){write-host "Starts with an M"}
write-host `n
If ($Myteststring.Endswith("e")){write-host "String ends with an e"}
write-host `n
Start-Sleep - Short sleep in the script
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Write-host "You just wasted 10 second of your life :P"
Pause the script to require a user to press enter.
CTRL+J to activate dropdown Intellisense in ISE